SUPER LUTEIN contains carotene which has been considered as one of the most important components of “phytochemical” in recent years. It is also known as the seventh nutrient essential for optimal health. The other six nutrients are protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and fibre respectively. Carotene, which is found in carrots and spinach, and Lutein from tea leaves and grape wine are examples of phytochemical nutrients. Other examples of phytochemical nutrients include Lycopene and Anthocyanidins found in tomatoes and blueberries, and Flavanone found in beans. To date, thousands of phytochemical nutrients have been discovered.
In the past, five major essential nutrients for optimal health usually refer only to protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Vegetable fiber was included as the sixth essential nutrient not long after. In recent years, with increasing research being done on active oxygen, phytochemical nutrient, the seventh essential nutrient, has become increasingly more important.

Lutein is a type of carotene stored in the eyes andskin. Kale, often used for “green juice”, spinach, Broccoli, and red, yellow, orange and dark green leafy vegetables are rich in lutein.

Lutein content in spinach (per 100g of edible parts) 10.20mg

Both α- and β-carotenes are found in the yellow and orange color pigments of carrots and pumpkin. As they are safe in nature, they have been used as a color additive in foods, drinks, and cosmetics since ancient times. These carotenes are transformed into vitamin A according to the needs of the body. As they are important to the body, specialists have been actively conducting research on them for many years.

α- Carotene content in carrots (per 100g of edible parts)3.60mg
β- Carotene content in carrots (per 100g of edible parts) 7.90mg
α- Carotene content in pumpkins (per 100g of edible parts)0.012mg
β- Carotene content in pumpkins (per 100g of edible parts) 0.82mg

Lycopene is found in the red colour pigments of tomatoes. When turning ripe under the sun, tomatoes protect themselves from the sunlight by producing lycopene..
There is a saying in Europe: “When tomatoes turn red, doctor’s faces turn green”. From this we can see that tomatoes and a healthy life are closely related. Processed foods can release the benefits of lycopene better than fresh vegetables, and as lycopene is fat soluble, adding a little oil when cooking can enhance the absorption of lycopene by the body.

Lycopene content in tomatoes (per 100g of edible parts) 3.10mg

Zeaxanthin has characteristics very similar to that of lutein. It is a member of the yellow orange pigment group and is found in large quantities in plants such as maize and Japanese sweet “Fuyu” persimmon, as well as green tea, egg yolk, animal fats and the liver. Through the process of metabolism, lutein is transformed into zeaxanthin, both of which are stored in the yellow spot area of the eyes. The latest research shows that lutein and zeaxanthin are located in different areas of the retina. The centre of the yellow spot has a higher ratio of zeaxanthin, while the group peripheral region is mainly lutein.

Zeaxanthin content in Fuyu persimmon (per 100g of edible parts) 0.24mg

Crocetin is found in the fruit of cape jasmine and the stamen and pistil of of saffron. It is both fat and water soluble. Its most striking feature is its tiny molecular volume, which makes it easy for the body to absorb. It can penetrate into tissue fibers that are difficult to be reached by other carotenoids. Due to crocetins mobility, researchers worldwide are now conducting in-depth studies on the benefits of crocetin.

Nutritional supplement "SUPER LUTEIN" is manufactured under the standard of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).
We are patented for the extraction of high quality and pure Lutein under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).
What is GMP?
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) refers to the control and management of production and quality control testing of products. As such, our manufacturing process has to comply with the requirements of the National Nutritional Foods Association of Japan.
This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. Lutein Singapore